Monday 15 April 2013


This morning I could hear a bit of growling and Jackie barking at Darcy so I popped outside to see what was happening.  And there was Darcy with a rat in his mouth!!  Even though I am not a great fan at all of rats, I was upset to see the poor creature was still alive and Darcy and Jackie having a great time chasing each other and throwing the rat into the air and catching it again.

Stand back, Jackie!  It's MINE!!

Eventually the poor thing died and I tried to get it from Darcy and Jackie but it was no luck.  So I left them outside and prayed the rat hadn't eaten poison or I would have 2 sick doggies on my hands.  They have since come in and goodness knows where they buried the rat but I am keeping the back door shut until I can find the darn thing and put it in the compost bin.

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