I am a Volunteer for a page on Face Book and on Saturday we did a posting for a dog wandering in a suburb near a busy road. Another Volunteer (K) lives in the area and went out to look and found him, She saw he was heading to a house so she followed. The fence had a large hole in it, so with the help of a next door neighbour of that house, filled the hole with rocks and bricks and left the doggie there. Nobody was home, so later in the afternoon she popped back to speak to the owners and let them know the dog had got out and heading to the main road, and also about the hole in the fence.
The fellow who opened the door was an indigenous Australian and K said he spoke words that would make a sailor blush. He said the dog had been left in the laundry by previous tenants and they didn't want the #%^** dog but they let him stay around and he ate the scraps their bigger dog didn't eat. And it was then that he hit the dog across the nose with a towel. The Volunteer was pretty upset and she said, if you are keeping and letting it stay here then you need to ensure he stays in the yard. Again he said he didn't want the #%^** dog and he kicked it.
It was at this stage the Volunteer again asked did he want the dog? On his reply of #$%&* NO!!! she picked him up and headed to her car. The poor little thing was shaking and terrified. Later that evening she posted on our Admin wall and asked could anyone look after a dog overnight and after a bit of discussion to size, etc I agreed and she called up to my house and spent a bit of time whilst the little dog got familiar with my 2 Terrors and then left.
He seemed a little concerned after K (the Volunteer) left and later K said she had given him quite a bit of love and cuddles for the short time she had him,
Where the heck am I, he seemed to be conveying to me. I got a little anxious as I had never fostered a dog before and worried in case he just didn't settle down.
"I wonder what will happen to me now. I wonder if I am going to live here?"
On the Sunday morning, he got back on the chair that he had claimed last night to settle in for a morning indoors.
And Darcy decided it looked so jolly good he would forsake his bed with Jackie and join him on the chair next to him.
As it was decent Autumn weather I bathed him and you would have no idea how black the water was when I had finished. He wasn't too chuffed with getting bathed but didn't growl or snap at me.
I then christened him "Champagne Charlie" because of his colour. By the end of the day, he was very settled in and playing so much with Darcy and chasing each other around the back yard. I have had to have Jackie and Darcy sleeping outside as with going into Hospital I can hardly ask my son and Aida to clean up after Darcy leaving "calling cards" and I think Charlie was used to sleeping outside. However he sure loves being inside and has made himself very much at home.
Matthew and Aida have agreed they will look after him as well as my 2 babies whilst I am in Hospital and they will be stopping here in my home, so it will be good as then the dogs will have that human company as well. I know Darcy and Jackie will fret with me being away for a few days and having Matt and Aida here will comfort them a little.
When I get out of hospital I shall have to make arrangements for Charlie to be adopted into a furever home. In the meantime he can adjust to other people and dogs here and gain more confidence that he is a very beautiful little dog and not some ugly mutt that a person felt it OK to kick and hit. We love ya, Charlie!
Monday, 27 May 2013
Saturday, 25 May 2013
Darcy, oh Darcy!!!
I drove down to the Library to get a book to read in Hospital. Opened the door and Darcy bolted. He raced across Montegue Road, headed to some new town houses on other side of the road to the Library. Then started to run back again to Library and traffic quite heavy. He got across the road with me standing in the middle of the road PRAYING cars wouldn't hit Darcy or me!!! Someone caught him at the Library doors. BLOOOODY DOG!! As it was a short trip I didn't anchor him into his restrainer...but guess what I learned today???? ALWAYS to anchor him in his restrainer whilst in the car. And thank goodness I parked up by Montegue Road entrance to the Civic Chambers otherwise he would have run across North East Road toward the Plaza.
When I was browsing for a book, I just grabbed anything as my knees were still shaking and I was crying.
He really is pushing his luck. This week he ate the bag for my blower vac. He chewed up the bed I had put out for him and Jackie, and that now in the bin. He also chewed through a hessian bag doggie bed (had been Matt's dog Britney's bed) . He has also chewed the corner of my recliner chair grrrrrr. And probably other things, we no longer count the holes he digs in the back lawn
I drove down to the Library to get a book to read in Hospital. Opened the door and Darcy bolted. He raced across Montegue Road, headed to some new town houses on other side of the road to the Library. Then started to run back again to Library and traffic quite heavy. He got across the road with me standing in the middle of the road PRAYING cars wouldn't hit Darcy or me!!! Someone caught him at the Library doors. BLOOOODY DOG!! As it was a short trip I didn't anchor him into his restrainer...but guess what I learned today???? ALWAYS to anchor him in his restrainer whilst in the car. And thank goodness I parked up by Montegue Road entrance to the Civic Chambers otherwise he would have run across North East Road toward the Plaza.
When I was browsing for a book, I just grabbed anything as my knees were still shaking and I was crying.
He really is pushing his luck. This week he ate the bag for my blower vac. He chewed up the bed I had put out for him and Jackie, and that now in the bin. He also chewed through a hessian bag doggie bed (had been Matt's dog Britney's bed) . He has also chewed the corner of my recliner chair grrrrrr. And probably other things, we no longer count the holes he digs in the back lawn
Friday, 24 May 2013
I would like to say I have been pretty busy, however that would be lying. In truth I seem to have wasted my days the past couple of weeks. I get motivated and am active for one day and achieve so much and then I tend to go on strike for the rest of the week.
However today I have been busy and achieved what I have been wanting to do the past 2 weeks. Next week I go into hospital to have "The Big One" and I am very much looking forward to this operation as I will also be getting a bit of repair work done that has occurred with aging. Apparently prolapses aren't that uncommon as we get a bit older, however it is just another reminder of getting old!
It is interesting to think I am so alone that I shall have to get a taxi to the hospital. My son works as a Brickie and he has very early starts so he is not able to take me. However if it is afternoon surgery, I can actually catch the bus as it stops right outside the hospital entrance. My son and his wife are going to stop here to look after Jackie {The Princess Dog) and Darcy (The Dapper Dog) which is super as I know they will fret with me being away for a few days. I have had to have the doggies sleeping outside the past week as it was getting too much to clean up after Darcy every morning when he would leave a calling card and also peeing in the front hallway. Pretty sad really as now it is winter, I am sure they would much prefer to be indoors overnight. Maybe after my operation and I am fully recovered, we can see about them moving back inside overnight then.
Just phoned the Hospital and it is an afternoon surgery so I can have a very very early breakfast, finishing before 6.30am and be at the Hospital at 11.30 for the afternoon surgery. All good, as now I can get the bus which isn't that far from my house. With the wheelie suitcase, will be easy to walk to the bus stop.
I probably wont be doing anymore posts until I am home again. Please God, look after me and keep me safe.
However today I have been busy and achieved what I have been wanting to do the past 2 weeks. Next week I go into hospital to have "The Big One" and I am very much looking forward to this operation as I will also be getting a bit of repair work done that has occurred with aging. Apparently prolapses aren't that uncommon as we get a bit older, however it is just another reminder of getting old!
It is interesting to think I am so alone that I shall have to get a taxi to the hospital. My son works as a Brickie and he has very early starts so he is not able to take me. However if it is afternoon surgery, I can actually catch the bus as it stops right outside the hospital entrance. My son and his wife are going to stop here to look after Jackie {The Princess Dog) and Darcy (The Dapper Dog) which is super as I know they will fret with me being away for a few days. I have had to have the doggies sleeping outside the past week as it was getting too much to clean up after Darcy every morning when he would leave a calling card and also peeing in the front hallway. Pretty sad really as now it is winter, I am sure they would much prefer to be indoors overnight. Maybe after my operation and I am fully recovered, we can see about them moving back inside overnight then.
Just phoned the Hospital and it is an afternoon surgery so I can have a very very early breakfast, finishing before 6.30am and be at the Hospital at 11.30 for the afternoon surgery. All good, as now I can get the bus which isn't that far from my house. With the wheelie suitcase, will be easy to walk to the bus stop.
I probably wont be doing anymore posts until I am home again. Please God, look after me and keep me safe.
Monday, 6 May 2013
Micro Chipping in Australia
The first time I had a dog micro chipped was with Jack (The Wonder Dog), now deceased, when he was about 5-6 yrs of age. It was done by the local Council at the dog park and was quite cheap at $AU25.00. We were subsequently posted a Certificate of Identification and urged to log into the website and update any information that was omitted at time of chipping. This service was provided by Central Animal Records.
Jack passed away aged 18 yrs in June of last year and I only thought now to update the records and advise of his death. This site is kept very up to date and I was able to advise online and I got a generic message to say they were sorry to hear of Jack's passing, etc etc.
So, what have I done with micro chipping for Jackie (The Princess Dog) and Darcy (The Dapper Dog)?
When I obtained Jackie from the Griffith NSW Pound, it was mandatory to have her micro chipped prior to her being permitted to be removed from the Pound. I paid the required $45 and Jackie was handed to me. They duly sent me out a NSW Companion Animal Register Certificate of Identification. (An aside here, their site sucks, BIG TIME. When you try to log in you are left hanging in suspense for ages and I am continuing the blog in hope the site eventually opens.)
And I since found the following information from the NSW Government:
"If you are moving to NSW and are going to be here for three months or more, you must have your cat or dog microchipped (if this has not already been done), entered on the NSW Companion Animals Register and lifetime registered with your local council. This must occur within three months of moving to NSW. If you do not know your local council in NSW, click here.
If your cat or dog was microchipped outside NSW or before 1 July 1999 (when the Companion Animals Act 1998 came into effect), you will need to provide proof of microchipping to your NSW local council. You will need to present a Verification of Existing Microchip (M1) Form completed and signed by a Vet or other Authorised Identifier and a completed Permanent Identification (P1A) Form.
Registration in another state or territory cannot be transferred to NSW.
You may also have listed your cat or dog on a privately-operated national microchip database. These databases are not linked to the NSW Companion Animals Register. The NSW Companion Animals Register is a NSW Government database used to record registration information for cats and dogs that reside in NSW."
Now we are not talking about Registering the dog, but I am wanting to know and update the information on the micro chip data base (which of course wont open!!). So now leaving the Jackie/Microchip hassle for a little while and shall probably just bomb them with emails about their sucky site.
So, on to Darcy (The Dapper Dog). I purchased Darcy from Moorook Animal Shelter and prior to my picking him up he was desexed and microchipped and his chipping was registered with the National Pet Register, The other day I received a Free Tag which is attached to his collar which shows his Tag Number. This means should Darcy get lost the finder can phone a shown number and obtain all the details of name, address and owner for a safe and fast return. Otherwise a finder should take the pet to a Vet and have it scanned and the Vet then contacts the Registry to obtain owner's name and address. Normally the Vet then holds the animal until it is picked up (if pet is scanned) otherwise the Vet gets the local Council to pick up the pet which is then impounded.
The final outcome, I have contacted and awaiting reply to transfer Jackie's microchip details to the National Pet Register which covers the whole of Australia. This process has probably taken me most of the morning just trying to get the information from the NSW Companion Animals Register.
There are 5 National Microchip Databases in Australia. However there is also a NSW State Wide Microchip Database called the NSW Companion Animals Register.
The 5 National Microchip Databases in Australia are:
You should contact the operators of any databases on which your cat or dog is listed to update your contact details on your cat or dog's microchip record:
Jack passed away aged 18 yrs in June of last year and I only thought now to update the records and advise of his death. This site is kept very up to date and I was able to advise online and I got a generic message to say they were sorry to hear of Jack's passing, etc etc.
So, what have I done with micro chipping for Jackie (The Princess Dog) and Darcy (The Dapper Dog)?
When I obtained Jackie from the Griffith NSW Pound, it was mandatory to have her micro chipped prior to her being permitted to be removed from the Pound. I paid the required $45 and Jackie was handed to me. They duly sent me out a NSW Companion Animal Register Certificate of Identification. (An aside here, their site sucks, BIG TIME. When you try to log in you are left hanging in suspense for ages and I am continuing the blog in hope the site eventually opens.)
And I since found the following information from the NSW Government:
"If you are moving to NSW and are going to be here for three months or more, you must have your cat or dog microchipped (if this has not already been done), entered on the NSW Companion Animals Register and lifetime registered with your local council. This must occur within three months of moving to NSW. If you do not know your local council in NSW, click here.
If your cat or dog was microchipped outside NSW or before 1 July 1999 (when the Companion Animals Act 1998 came into effect), you will need to provide proof of microchipping to your NSW local council. You will need to present a Verification of Existing Microchip (M1) Form completed and signed by a Vet or other Authorised Identifier and a completed Permanent Identification (P1A) Form.
Registration in another state or territory cannot be transferred to NSW.
You may also have listed your cat or dog on a privately-operated national microchip database. These databases are not linked to the NSW Companion Animals Register. The NSW Companion Animals Register is a NSW Government database used to record registration information for cats and dogs that reside in NSW."
Now we are not talking about Registering the dog, but I am wanting to know and update the information on the micro chip data base (which of course wont open!!). So now leaving the Jackie/Microchip hassle for a little while and shall probably just bomb them with emails about their sucky site.
So, on to Darcy (The Dapper Dog). I purchased Darcy from Moorook Animal Shelter and prior to my picking him up he was desexed and microchipped and his chipping was registered with the National Pet Register, The other day I received a Free Tag which is attached to his collar which shows his Tag Number. This means should Darcy get lost the finder can phone a shown number and obtain all the details of name, address and owner for a safe and fast return. Otherwise a finder should take the pet to a Vet and have it scanned and the Vet then contacts the Registry to obtain owner's name and address. Normally the Vet then holds the animal until it is picked up (if pet is scanned) otherwise the Vet gets the local Council to pick up the pet which is then impounded.
The final outcome, I have contacted and awaiting reply to transfer Jackie's microchip details to the National Pet Register which covers the whole of Australia. This process has probably taken me most of the morning just trying to get the information from the NSW Companion Animals Register.
There are 5 National Microchip Databases in Australia. However there is also a NSW State Wide Microchip Database called the NSW Companion Animals Register.
The 5 National Microchip Databases in Australia are:
- -National Pet Register 1300 734 738
- -Central Animal Records 03 9706 3187
- -Australasian Animal Register 02 9704 1450
- -Petsafe 02 9476 5631
- -HomesafeID 1300 537 140
You should contact the operators of any databases on which your cat or dog is listed to update your contact details on your cat or dog's microchip record:
Australasian Animal Register | Tel: 02 9704 1450 | www.australiananimalregistry.com.au |
Central Animal Records | Tel: 03 9706 3187 (administration and general enquiries) | www.car.com.au |
National Pet Register | Tel: 1300 734 738 | www.petregister.com.au |
Petsafe | Tel: 02 8850 6800 | www.petsafe.com.au |
Sunday, 5 May 2013
The Amazing NEW Jackie (The Princess Dog)
I just can't get over the improvement with Jackie (The Princess Dog) now taking the medication for her skin rash. She is quite, by far, a different dog altogether.
Jackie is still a bit shy however she will now jump up on the armchair each evening when I sit down to watch television and I can move her around so I am a bit more comfortable and she doesn't jump off the second I move my bum to get a bit more comfy. Darcy (The Dapper Dog) is of course first up and he is a type of "floppy" dog and any position he grabs and he is happy. It is amazing to see some of the positions Darcy drops his head and goes to sleep - they look most uncomfortable, but he is happy.
Now the medication Jackie is taking is Prednisolone (5mg) and she has 1/2 a tablet every second day. The Vet had said the medication to be given only in the morning and also with food. I usually wedge the 1/2 tablet between 2 pieces of cheese and there is no problem in her taking it then. Of course Darcy stands in line for his piece of cheese but I always give Jackie her piece first as then she gulps it down in case Darcy steals it.
There are side effects of long term medication and I urge others to read up and also discuss with your Vet. However my Vet agreed with me that I would prefer Jackie to have a normal, if shorter life as the pain she was in with the raw and bleeding skin was just awful to witness.
We still never established if it was a protein allergy or from grass, and even with the BARF diet she still would scratch herself raw andstank smell something awful. I wont keep her on the Prednisolone forever, but shall take a break between the scripts to see how she goes. She is still active and playful (with Darcy, that is) but she has a different type of personality to most dogs and this could be because of her younger life and perhaps she had been mistreated. She at least goes to my son when he visits and appears to be more relaxed around other humans now.
Jackie is still a bit shy however she will now jump up on the armchair each evening when I sit down to watch television and I can move her around so I am a bit more comfortable and she doesn't jump off the second I move my bum to get a bit more comfy. Darcy (The Dapper Dog) is of course first up and he is a type of "floppy" dog and any position he grabs and he is happy. It is amazing to see some of the positions Darcy drops his head and goes to sleep - they look most uncomfortable, but he is happy.
Now the medication Jackie is taking is Prednisolone (5mg) and she has 1/2 a tablet every second day. The Vet had said the medication to be given only in the morning and also with food. I usually wedge the 1/2 tablet between 2 pieces of cheese and there is no problem in her taking it then. Of course Darcy stands in line for his piece of cheese but I always give Jackie her piece first as then she gulps it down in case Darcy steals it.
There are side effects of long term medication and I urge others to read up and also discuss with your Vet. However my Vet agreed with me that I would prefer Jackie to have a normal, if shorter life as the pain she was in with the raw and bleeding skin was just awful to witness.
We still never established if it was a protein allergy or from grass, and even with the BARF diet she still would scratch herself raw and
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Both like the "granny rug" on the chair, now the cold weather has set in |
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Thursday, 2 May 2013
Suspected Melanoma
On Tuesday I had to go to see the Doctor. I have a lump on my skull that has me a little concerned but more so after I visited with Kay on Sunday and she was telling me about her friend Julie who had a lump on her skull and it turns out to be melanoma.
The doctor examined my head and found 2 lumps on that spot and also another closer to the front of my head and it was darker and his words were "that concerns me a bit". Good Lord!!! These are not words you wish to hear from your Doctor. So he gave me a referral letter to see a Specialist.
I was very fortunate there had been a cancellation with another Specialist in the same group of doctors as my referral wouldn't be able to see me until late June and my doctor had said at least within 2 weeks. So I was able to see Dr W the following day at 8.30am.
Dr W found 7 of these markings on my skull and he reassured me it definitely isn't melanoma and he told me what it was but I guess I was just too relieved to ask him to write it down. He dictated a letter to my doctor whilst I was there and I shall just ask for a photocopy of that letter when I go back for the follow up visit.
But thank you God. That was my first thought when I was told it wasn't a melanoma, malignant or benign. And I had had just the most awful sleep the night before with worrying about meeting with the Specialist.
So I live to write another day. Thank you God.
The doctor examined my head and found 2 lumps on that spot and also another closer to the front of my head and it was darker and his words were "that concerns me a bit". Good Lord!!! These are not words you wish to hear from your Doctor. So he gave me a referral letter to see a Specialist.
I was very fortunate there had been a cancellation with another Specialist in the same group of doctors as my referral wouldn't be able to see me until late June and my doctor had said at least within 2 weeks. So I was able to see Dr W the following day at 8.30am.
Dr W found 7 of these markings on my skull and he reassured me it definitely isn't melanoma and he told me what it was but I guess I was just too relieved to ask him to write it down. He dictated a letter to my doctor whilst I was there and I shall just ask for a photocopy of that letter when I go back for the follow up visit.
But thank you God. That was my first thought when I was told it wasn't a melanoma, malignant or benign. And I had had just the most awful sleep the night before with worrying about meeting with the Specialist.
So I live to write another day. Thank you God.
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Prayer to God
Before I go to bed I felt it necessary to write my thoughts. My friend Kay is going into hospital tomorrow to have a hip replacement. Kay is 9 months younger than me but has suffered with arthritis for most of her adult life since her late 20's. She still works in a retirement home and is as active a person as one who is quite crippled in the ankles, hands and her fingers can be.
I am just so concerned for her. Not so much the actual operation but her recovery after the op and if she will have the strength for a speedy recovery and really, just everything.
Kay and I went to high school together and we have been "mates" since we were 13 years of age. Kay probably knows me better than any other person and she has proven to be a great friend and non judgmental and very supportive. We have shared a lot of our pain together and she has an inner strength that one might pray for but seldom achieve. She had lost a baby when he was about 7 weeks of age, having never come home from the maternity hospital. Her beloved husband died of a heart attack sailing his yacht to the UK with 3 of his mates. Patrick was only 47 years of age. Her elder son committed suicide aged 31. Shaun was my Godson and such a special young man to us all.
Kay has stood by me through several failed marriages and family problems. She has made me laugh and cry. But mostly Kay makes me laugh and we enjoy so many silly moments and whenever we see each other we hug and kiss and have no hesitation to say "love you" when departing.
Please God, take care of Kaysie as she is so very much needed and loved by so many.
Thank you God.
I am just so concerned for her. Not so much the actual operation but her recovery after the op and if she will have the strength for a speedy recovery and really, just everything.
Kay and I went to high school together and we have been "mates" since we were 13 years of age. Kay probably knows me better than any other person and she has proven to be a great friend and non judgmental and very supportive. We have shared a lot of our pain together and she has an inner strength that one might pray for but seldom achieve. She had lost a baby when he was about 7 weeks of age, having never come home from the maternity hospital. Her beloved husband died of a heart attack sailing his yacht to the UK with 3 of his mates. Patrick was only 47 years of age. Her elder son committed suicide aged 31. Shaun was my Godson and such a special young man to us all.
Kay has stood by me through several failed marriages and family problems. She has made me laugh and cry. But mostly Kay makes me laugh and we enjoy so many silly moments and whenever we see each other we hug and kiss and have no hesitation to say "love you" when departing.
Please God, take care of Kaysie as she is so very much needed and loved by so many.
Thank you God.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
ANZAC Day - An Open Letter
An open letter to all those who plan to attend ANZAC Day services in Gallipoli in 2015:
2015 will mark 100 years of the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops in Gallipoli and you are very fortunate to be able to attend this event. I do have a few things to ask of you and also to please remember you are attending a Memorial Service. It is not a party where you stay up the whole night and "grog on" and wave the flag and generally act like some Yobbo. It is a Memorial Service.
During the ANZAC Day eve, sit there quietly with your friends. Sit and try not to make a sound, remembering how scary it would have been for the young men lying on the beach waiting for dawn, to attack. Think how they would hide the flame from a match prior to lighting their cigarette and also think what some of the thoughts might be going through their head. Yes, on ANZAC Eve, sit very very quietly and think of the terror these young men would unknowingly run into.
And remember, you are in another country.
This is the flag of Turkey. This is the flag of the country we invaded and where we lost so many young men. 8,700 Australians, 2,700 New Zealanders (Wikipedia) lost their lives in the ANZAC landing and we didn't progress a mile inland.
So when you are at ANZAC Cove for the Memorial Service remember we are being permitted to enter another Country for this Memorial, even though we were the enemy. Keep your Australian flag waving for ANZAC Day parades back home here in Australia. And please, show respect to the Country who is permitting us to attend Memorial Services there.
Also, in showing respect, leave the Anzac Cove as clean as it was when you arrived. If you had room to bring in cans and food, then take the empty cans and wrapping paper with you. You are at a Memorial site and not the local tip. Be a good traveller and remember to "only take photos, and leave your footprints".
And finally, remember also the young men who lost their lives and pay respect. My Great-Uncle was killed there aged 21 and is buried on Turkish soil. And because of that I would also like us to remember the monument put up by the Turks to honour those who invaded their county.
Engraved forever at ANZAC Cove are these words from Kemal Ataturk, the Commander of the Turkish 19th Division during the Gallipoli Campaign and the first President of the Turkish Republic from 1924-1938:
"Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives.
You are now living in the soil of a friendly country therefore rest in peace.
There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us
where they lie side by side here in this country of ours.
You, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace.
After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well."
2015 will mark 100 years of the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops in Gallipoli and you are very fortunate to be able to attend this event. I do have a few things to ask of you and also to please remember you are attending a Memorial Service. It is not a party where you stay up the whole night and "grog on" and wave the flag and generally act like some Yobbo. It is a Memorial Service.
During the ANZAC Day eve, sit there quietly with your friends. Sit and try not to make a sound, remembering how scary it would have been for the young men lying on the beach waiting for dawn, to attack. Think how they would hide the flame from a match prior to lighting their cigarette and also think what some of the thoughts might be going through their head. Yes, on ANZAC Eve, sit very very quietly and think of the terror these young men would unknowingly run into.
And remember, you are in another country.

So when you are at ANZAC Cove for the Memorial Service remember we are being permitted to enter another Country for this Memorial, even though we were the enemy. Keep your Australian flag waving for ANZAC Day parades back home here in Australia. And please, show respect to the Country who is permitting us to attend Memorial Services there.
Also, in showing respect, leave the Anzac Cove as clean as it was when you arrived. If you had room to bring in cans and food, then take the empty cans and wrapping paper with you. You are at a Memorial site and not the local tip. Be a good traveller and remember to "only take photos, and leave your footprints".
And finally, remember also the young men who lost their lives and pay respect. My Great-Uncle was killed there aged 21 and is buried on Turkish soil. And because of that I would also like us to remember the monument put up by the Turks to honour those who invaded their county.
Engraved forever at ANZAC Cove are these words from Kemal Ataturk, the Commander of the Turkish 19th Division during the Gallipoli Campaign and the first President of the Turkish Republic from 1924-1938:
"Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives.
You are now living in the soil of a friendly country therefore rest in peace.
There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us
where they lie side by side here in this country of ours.
You, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace.
After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well."
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Darcy Pasess First Test
Ever so chuffed as last night Darcy (The Dapper Dog) passed his Obedience test and graduated from Puppy 2 into Beginners 1. So next week we may see different doggies in our class, it depends who else graduated also.
Well done Darcy.... another notch in the card!!
It would be nice if we had some success with Jackie (The Princess Dog) and her attending Obedience Class. Though I notice since she is now so much better with the medication, she now cries when I leave her in the car to take Darcy to the oval for training. So who knows, maybe she might be ready to try to introduce to other dogs again. She sure didn't like it before and would snarl and snap at any dog who put its nose anywhere near her.
Well done Darcy.... another notch in the card!!
It would be nice if we had some success with Jackie (The Princess Dog) and her attending Obedience Class. Though I notice since she is now so much better with the medication, she now cries when I leave her in the car to take Darcy to the oval for training. So who knows, maybe she might be ready to try to introduce to other dogs again. She sure didn't like it before and would snarl and snap at any dog who put its nose anywhere near her.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Adelaide's Own St Francis
I do Facebook and there is a site I visit often called Lost Dogs of Adelaide. I visit this site each day to see if any dogs are lost or found in the area I live and if so, I share those posts on my own wall in the hope someone else knows of the owners of these dogs. Recently Lost Dogs of Adelaide invited "likers" to apply for a position of being an Admin of the site and after much thought and rethinking, I applied and was accepted. Actually 6 new Admins were chosen from the applications and we are all settling in learning the rules and also how to repost the messages that come in of the lost and found pets. Even though it is called Lost Dogs of Adelaide, it is open to all pets and we had quite a rush on lost and found pet birds the other day. Prior to Easter and during Easter there were many lost pet rabbits which caused a little mirth with other "likers" of the site, but they were all genuine requests for people to help find their lost rabbit or others wishing to find the owners of the pet rabbit they just found.
I have assisted a little on the site since being accepted as a new Admin (in training) and I am very pleased to be able to help in some small way to reunite these lost and found pets with their owners.
But one story is very special. On Sunday a lady found 2 male dogs very close to midnight. After phoning so many rescue centres she got fobbed off and referred to another and she posted photos of the dogs on the site asking for help. She took the dogs home and the following day took them to a local vet (where I take Jackie and Darcy) and they assisted her no end. One of the dogs had been injured and had a broken leg and abrasions on his nose and the Vets assisted but didn't do anything about the broken leg other than pain killers and monitoring the dog. Anyway, late last night this lady posted on Lost Dogs of Adelaide that finally the owners had been found and this is what she wrote:
"It is with great happiness that I wish to advise you all, that after many hours, many facebook inboxes and soo many phone calls, the 2 dogs (White Female Bull Terrier & Brindle Male Staffy) I found on the side of the road in Gawler in the early hours of Tuesday morning have finally been reunited with their owner!!! ♥
The Staffy is already home, un-injured, safe and sound, and the Bull Terrier, whos name I found out is "Cadbury", is in the vet receiving treatment for her lacerations and broken hind leg.
To the beautiful and caring lady, Nikki I believe, at "vets4pets Golden Grove" thank you for taking the dogs in, ensuring Cadbury was comfortable and given some pain relief, and caring for them both, knowing I didnt have the funds to pay for any treatment ♥
To all the pages who shared my picture and asked for help, I thank you ♥
And to everyone who inboxed, commented, shared my post and offered assistance, I thank you also!! ♥
Despite Cadbury's injuries, this is the best possible outcome we all could have hoped for, and it certainly made my efforts all the more worth while!!
-If the owners, or someone who knows them, do happen to see this post, please contact me, because once Cadbury is all healed I would love to give her one more cuddle, she was such a brave girl, and her little Staffy mate did a good job looking after her too!-
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you ALL again!!
~ xXx ♥ xXx ~ "
I really do think Adelaide has its own St Francis and I hope there are many people who would do the same as this wonderful woman did.
I have assisted a little on the site since being accepted as a new Admin (in training) and I am very pleased to be able to help in some small way to reunite these lost and found pets with their owners.
But one story is very special. On Sunday a lady found 2 male dogs very close to midnight. After phoning so many rescue centres she got fobbed off and referred to another and she posted photos of the dogs on the site asking for help. She took the dogs home and the following day took them to a local vet (where I take Jackie and Darcy) and they assisted her no end. One of the dogs had been injured and had a broken leg and abrasions on his nose and the Vets assisted but didn't do anything about the broken leg other than pain killers and monitoring the dog. Anyway, late last night this lady posted on Lost Dogs of Adelaide that finally the owners had been found and this is what she wrote:
"It is with great happiness that I wish to advise you all, that after many hours, many facebook inboxes and soo many phone calls, the 2 dogs (White Female Bull Terrier & Brindle Male Staffy) I found on the side of the road in Gawler in the early hours of Tuesday morning have finally been reunited with their owner!!! ♥
The Staffy is already home, un-injured, safe and sound, and the Bull Terrier, whos name I found out is "Cadbury", is in the vet receiving treatment for her lacerations and broken hind leg.
To the beautiful and caring lady, Nikki I believe, at "vets4pets Golden Grove" thank you for taking the dogs in, ensuring Cadbury was comfortable and given some pain relief, and caring for them both, knowing I didnt have the funds to pay for any treatment ♥
To all the pages who shared my picture and asked for help, I thank you ♥
And to everyone who inboxed, commented, shared my post and offered assistance, I thank you also!! ♥
Despite Cadbury's injuries, this is the best possible outcome we all could have hoped for, and it certainly made my efforts all the more worth while!!
-If the owners, or someone who knows them, do happen to see this post, please contact me, because once Cadbury is all healed I would love to give her one more cuddle, she was such a brave girl, and her little Staffy mate did a good job looking after her too!-
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you ALL again!!
~ xXx ♥ xXx ~ "
I really do think Adelaide has its own St Francis and I hope there are many people who would do the same as this wonderful woman did.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Jackie so Changed now on Medication
Little Jackie (The Princess Dog) is so very changed since we have started her on the medication full time and also reducing the dosage she is now getting. Previously at bedtime, Darcy would bound onto the bed and Jackie would go hide under the bed. I would settle down to either read or watch Telly and it was then that Jackie would creep out and sit by the bed. I would start to get out of bed to lift her in and off she would go to hide under the bed again. This could be so frustrating, particularly when I was very tired and ready for sleep.
Since the medication she now heads to under the bed and by the time I am ready to hop in, she has come out and is sitting by the side of the bed for me to lift her in.
Since getting Darcy from the Shelter he has always been a "cuddle me" dog and loves to sit on my lap whilst I am watching TV. I would have to lift Jackie up and stroke and pet her to get her to settle a bit. Then the second I moved she would be off like a flash! Since the medication she now jumps up and I end up with 2 doggies on my chair with me whilst I am watching TV.
All in all very happy with the results. Also she doesn't seem to be as shy around my son and his wife now and I realize it is 12 mths in June since I got her but I really have noticed more of a positive change in her with the meds.
Darcy is enjoying his Obedience classes no end and hopefully at the end of this month we will graduate to Beginner's One class.
Since the medication she now heads to under the bed and by the time I am ready to hop in, she has come out and is sitting by the side of the bed for me to lift her in.
Since getting Darcy from the Shelter he has always been a "cuddle me" dog and loves to sit on my lap whilst I am watching TV. I would have to lift Jackie up and stroke and pet her to get her to settle a bit. Then the second I moved she would be off like a flash! Since the medication she now jumps up and I end up with 2 doggies on my chair with me whilst I am watching TV.
All in all very happy with the results. Also she doesn't seem to be as shy around my son and his wife now and I realize it is 12 mths in June since I got her but I really have noticed more of a positive change in her with the meds.
Darcy is enjoying his Obedience classes no end and hopefully at the end of this month we will graduate to Beginner's One class.
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Our badge for Obedience Class |
Monday, 15 April 2013
This morning I could hear a bit of growling and Jackie barking at Darcy so I popped outside to see what was happening. And there was Darcy with a rat in his mouth!! Even though I am not a great fan at all of rats, I was upset to see the poor creature was still alive and Darcy and Jackie having a great time chasing each other and throwing the rat into the air and catching it again.
Eventually the poor thing died and I tried to get it from Darcy and Jackie but it was no luck. So I left them outside and prayed the rat hadn't eaten poison or I would have 2 sick doggies on my hands. They have since come in and goodness knows where they buried the rat but I am keeping the back door shut until I can find the darn thing and put it in the compost bin.
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Stand back, Jackie! It's MINE!! |
Eventually the poor thing died and I tried to get it from Darcy and Jackie but it was no luck. So I left them outside and prayed the rat hadn't eaten poison or I would have 2 sick doggies on my hands. They have since come in and goodness knows where they buried the rat but I am keeping the back door shut until I can find the darn thing and put it in the compost bin.
Matthew's Birthday
Last Tuesday was my younger son's Birthday and I invited Matthew and Aida for dinner to celebrate the event. Aida and I had decided to go "halves" in a birthday gift for him and we chose an Olympus camera and accessories. He was thrilled with the gift as their other camera had sort of had it and Aida is a mad photographer, recording just about everything they do and everywhere they go.
For dinner I cooked a Cajun spiced roasted chicken and made fried rice. Any dish with rice in it suits Aida as that is her favourite food. I was a bit disappointed that the chicken wasn't more spicy and shall just prepare my own seasoning next time as perhaps the one I got from the USA is past the "use by" date and lost its zing.
For dessert I made Mulled Wine Poached Pears and served them with fresh cream. They were ever so delicious however I could probably have cooked the pears a little longer as they were very solid when I bought them. However they worked OK with a knife and fork and the syrup was ever so good.
The recipe for the pears came from the Coles monthly cookbook by Curtis Stone.
For dinner I cooked a Cajun spiced roasted chicken and made fried rice. Any dish with rice in it suits Aida as that is her favourite food. I was a bit disappointed that the chicken wasn't more spicy and shall just prepare my own seasoning next time as perhaps the one I got from the USA is past the "use by" date and lost its zing.
For dessert I made Mulled Wine Poached Pears and served them with fresh cream. They were ever so delicious however I could probably have cooked the pears a little longer as they were very solid when I bought them. However they worked OK with a knife and fork and the syrup was ever so good.
Matthew on his 42nd Birthday |
The box was EMPTY! as I had charged the camera |
Mulled Red Wine Pears |
The recipe for the pears came from the Coles monthly cookbook by Curtis Stone.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
On the UP!
I am pretty chuffed with myself as today I washed and vacuumed out my car. It was very grubby after the 800 + kilometre trip home and also the doggies tend to leave lots of white hair everywhere, but now it is pristine and looks fab. Mind you, I can barely walk today as my back is killing me after the work yesterday and cleaning the car today.
Popped into Coles Supermarket to pick up some cinnamon sticks and an orange. First time buying an orange for years as I have an orange tree however they wont be ready until July or so. I am going to cook Cajun roast chicken and make some friend rice for Matthew and Aida for his Birthday dinner. I have a container of Zatarains Creole Seasoning that I picked up on a visit to the USA and jealously guard it. Other times I have made my own Creole seasoning which is pretty good also.
For dessert I am making Poached pears in Red wine and whipped spiced cream. Yummo!
Off to have a wee Nana Nap as nackered. I might post the recipe for my Poached Pears...
Popped into Coles Supermarket to pick up some cinnamon sticks and an orange. First time buying an orange for years as I have an orange tree however they wont be ready until July or so. I am going to cook Cajun roast chicken and make some friend rice for Matthew and Aida for his Birthday dinner. I have a container of Zatarains Creole Seasoning that I picked up on a visit to the USA and jealously guard it. Other times I have made my own Creole seasoning which is pretty good also.
For dessert I am making Poached pears in Red wine and whipped spiced cream. Yummo!
Off to have a wee Nana Nap as nackered. I might post the recipe for my Poached Pears...
Monday, 8 April 2013
Feeling More Up Today
Today I put on my Big Girl Panties and decided to get on with the rest of my life!! I have to do this every so often as I am prone to suffer depression and the blues from time to time.
So today I mowed the back lawns which are now lovely and green after a small amount of rain over the Easter long weekend and I also raked a bit out the front as I have a lovely Illawarra Flame tree and this time of year it tends to drop leaves. I mowed the dead nature strip out the front but this was more to pick up the leaves than it needing to be mowed.
Even after mowing the lawns, once I went inside I felt the house wasn't so untidy and cluttered. I had done the dishes but the vacuum cleaner was still sitting in the kitchen eating area. I guess just having known I had worked outside, I felt better already mentally. I then vacuumed the rest of the house, even the family room and carpet square as we tend to collect lots of doggie hair from Jackie and Darcy. Next I washed the tiles in the family room and also the kitchen and eating area and put everything away immediately when done!
Decided to give Jackie a bath as she tends to get grubbier looking than Darcy, however at least now she is on that medication she doesn't pull all her hair out andstink smell like she used to do with the skin allergy.
Jackie is just so funny when it is bath-time. She hears me running the water in the laundry trough and immediately heads down to the family room. I will call and call her and she just stands there looking at me. The second I take a step towards her she heads out the back door and hides. So my method now is to run the bath and then go and sit at the computer desk in the family room. She eventually comes to her bed (by the desk) and I grab her and off to the bath we go!
After my shower I had a late lunch and did one load of washing as the Autumn weather is just glorious and there will be no problems getting it dried on the line.
So all in all this Lady in her Big Girl Panties feels pretty bloody good. And it is Matthew's birthday tomorrow and he and Aida are coming here for dinner.
Also have to add here. Doubt if anyone reading but I need to write and talk. It all means something to me and believe you me.... If I am happy...then the whole World is happy!!!
So today I mowed the back lawns which are now lovely and green after a small amount of rain over the Easter long weekend and I also raked a bit out the front as I have a lovely Illawarra Flame tree and this time of year it tends to drop leaves. I mowed the dead nature strip out the front but this was more to pick up the leaves than it needing to be mowed.
Showing the back Verandah |
I have to put the seats like this to stop Darcy climbing on the table |
My little rain gauge - hardly used in Adelaide,. sadly |
Even after mowing the lawns, once I went inside I felt the house wasn't so untidy and cluttered. I had done the dishes but the vacuum cleaner was still sitting in the kitchen eating area. I guess just having known I had worked outside, I felt better already mentally. I then vacuumed the rest of the house, even the family room and carpet square as we tend to collect lots of doggie hair from Jackie and Darcy. Next I washed the tiles in the family room and also the kitchen and eating area and put everything away immediately when done!
Decided to give Jackie a bath as she tends to get grubbier looking than Darcy, however at least now she is on that medication she doesn't pull all her hair out and
Jackie is just so funny when it is bath-time. She hears me running the water in the laundry trough and immediately heads down to the family room. I will call and call her and she just stands there looking at me. The second I take a step towards her she heads out the back door and hides. So my method now is to run the bath and then go and sit at the computer desk in the family room. She eventually comes to her bed (by the desk) and I grab her and off to the bath we go!
After my shower I had a late lunch and did one load of washing as the Autumn weather is just glorious and there will be no problems getting it dried on the line.
So all in all this Lady in her Big Girl Panties feels pretty bloody good. And it is Matthew's birthday tomorrow and he and Aida are coming here for dinner.
Also have to add here. Doubt if anyone reading but I need to write and talk. It all means something to me and believe you me.... If I am happy...then the whole World is happy!!!
Sunday, 7 April 2013
When I Feel Low
I had recently posted that Jackie (The Princess Dog), Darcy (The Dapper Dog) and myself were going on holidays. Well the holiday didn't turn out as good as I had hoped and I returned home after 9 days instead of the expected 4 weeks away. Since my return I have tried so hard to keep myself on the up and up but I find I am steadily getting lower and lower.
I did attempt to buck up and made a cute little Doggy Quilt for Darcy but that seems to be the limit of my achievements since the Thursday before Easter.
My younger son and his wife went away for Easter and that was one of the reason I had decided I would go away at the same time. I really didn't look forward to spending Easter alone as here in Australia Easter is not just a Holy Feast, it is also one of the last good breaks we get prior to the Winter months. Good Friday is a Public Holiday as is Easter Monday, and most businesses shut for that period. But I survived Easter by heading out on the Saturday and buying some fabric (for Darcy's quilt) and getting stuck into preparing some photo albums online for my Daughter in Law, Aida. I had popped up to their house on Good Friday to collect hundreds and hundreds of photos onto my external HD and noticed a large basket of laundry. Now my little Aida works so very hard and I know Matthew wanted to get away on the Thursday evening so of course she wouldn't have had time to do any washing prior. So I took the laundry home and did it on the Friday as it was such super weather and no problem getting the washing dry. Just as well I did as the rest of the weekend was very overcast and light rain on each of the days.
I treated myself to going to the Cinema on the Saturday evening and saw Hyde Park on Hudson which left me feeling confused, to say the least. I did enjoy Bill Murray's performance as FDR as he seemed to be enjoying his role so much. However the role of "Daisy" Suckley left me wondering what the hell FDR saw in her to have an affair. Talk about limpid!!!
I attended Mass on the Sunday morning and it was lovely to witness 2 little baby girls being Baptized during Mass. So much hope and expectation from the new parents. So much happiness. And it really was good to be part of that happiness, even though as an onlooker and member of the congregation. And it was delightful after Mass when Father Peter asked one of the altar servers to fetch a basket and he then announced the Easter Bunny had visited and for all the children to come up to get a handful of chocolate Easter eggs. Kids always make me smile and when it is a holiday like Easter and Christmas they certainly do know how to have a good time. I then did a bit of work outside the house and mowed my back lawns.
Matt and Aida returned on Monday afternoon from their Easter break and called in to say hello as we hadn't spent anytime together since my return early Thursday morning. They didn't stop as Matt was tired as apparently the traffic was horrendous coming back from the Peninsula and I was just so thankful to see them as that road is notorious as a killer road over a holiday period.
So here we are now the Sunday after Easter and my house is looking very much like a bomb has hit it. Other than doing dishes and making the bed, nothing else seems to be getting done. I did vacuum the carpet and the family room and washed the floor tiles there and the vacuum cleaner still sits in my kitchen/eating area along with the mop and the bucket of cleaning water.
I did a google to try to find some "funny" quotes on depression but they don't tend to have funny quotes on depression. But gosh, some of the other quotes sure hit the nail on the head for me.
But I know why I am feeling this way. I know just what has triggered my feeling of hopelessness and loss. I know and yet I permit this bloody feeling to overtake me?? Grow up, and put ya big girl panties on and take control of your life again.
I did attempt to buck up and made a cute little Doggy Quilt for Darcy but that seems to be the limit of my achievements since the Thursday before Easter.
My younger son and his wife went away for Easter and that was one of the reason I had decided I would go away at the same time. I really didn't look forward to spending Easter alone as here in Australia Easter is not just a Holy Feast, it is also one of the last good breaks we get prior to the Winter months. Good Friday is a Public Holiday as is Easter Monday, and most businesses shut for that period. But I survived Easter by heading out on the Saturday and buying some fabric (for Darcy's quilt) and getting stuck into preparing some photo albums online for my Daughter in Law, Aida. I had popped up to their house on Good Friday to collect hundreds and hundreds of photos onto my external HD and noticed a large basket of laundry. Now my little Aida works so very hard and I know Matthew wanted to get away on the Thursday evening so of course she wouldn't have had time to do any washing prior. So I took the laundry home and did it on the Friday as it was such super weather and no problem getting the washing dry. Just as well I did as the rest of the weekend was very overcast and light rain on each of the days.
I treated myself to going to the Cinema on the Saturday evening and saw Hyde Park on Hudson which left me feeling confused, to say the least. I did enjoy Bill Murray's performance as FDR as he seemed to be enjoying his role so much. However the role of "Daisy" Suckley left me wondering what the hell FDR saw in her to have an affair. Talk about limpid!!!
I attended Mass on the Sunday morning and it was lovely to witness 2 little baby girls being Baptized during Mass. So much hope and expectation from the new parents. So much happiness. And it really was good to be part of that happiness, even though as an onlooker and member of the congregation. And it was delightful after Mass when Father Peter asked one of the altar servers to fetch a basket and he then announced the Easter Bunny had visited and for all the children to come up to get a handful of chocolate Easter eggs. Kids always make me smile and when it is a holiday like Easter and Christmas they certainly do know how to have a good time. I then did a bit of work outside the house and mowed my back lawns.
Matt and Aida returned on Monday afternoon from their Easter break and called in to say hello as we hadn't spent anytime together since my return early Thursday morning. They didn't stop as Matt was tired as apparently the traffic was horrendous coming back from the Peninsula and I was just so thankful to see them as that road is notorious as a killer road over a holiday period.
So here we are now the Sunday after Easter and my house is looking very much like a bomb has hit it. Other than doing dishes and making the bed, nothing else seems to be getting done. I did vacuum the carpet and the family room and washed the floor tiles there and the vacuum cleaner still sits in my kitchen/eating area along with the mop and the bucket of cleaning water.
I did a google to try to find some "funny" quotes on depression but they don't tend to have funny quotes on depression. But gosh, some of the other quotes sure hit the nail on the head for me.
But I know why I am feeling this way. I know just what has triggered my feeling of hopelessness and loss. I know and yet I permit this bloody feeling to overtake me?? Grow up, and put ya big girl panties on and take control of your life again.
Friday, 5 April 2013
Vet visit for Darcy and Jackie
I took young Darcy (the Dapper Dog) to the Vet after he said he would need to seed Darcy prior to quoting on removing dew claws on his 2 hind legs. After picking myself off the floor with the quote of $595 I decided he would live with the dew claws and I shall just ensure the nails are kept clipped to prevent them growing into the pads and his legs and just pray we never have a problem.
I also asked the Vet to renew a script for Jackie (the Princess Dog) for tablets the Vet in Griffith, NSW had put her on about 2 mths after I got her and she had such a bad skin infection and couldn't stop scratching and tearing her fur out until she bled. Not only did she do this but she ummmm how do I say it...stank smelled bad. The Vet in Griffith said she had an allergy and probably from dog food and meat and preservatives in the food. She would scratch and lick at her skin so much, she didnt even have whiskers anymore. Just short stubble!!
On my return to Adelaide I googled and came up with a lot of information on her plight and also news about the medication she was on. After putting her on a BARF diet, she still had the problem however when she was on the medication her itchiness stopped. However long term use of the medication could prove a problem to her health.
I spoke of all these concerns to the Vet and he agreed. But he also understood the reasoning I had that in spite of future complications, I had decided that Jackie would have perhaps a shorter life but one that was a lot less painful to her. I had been finishing off the last of the medication from the Griffith Vet after about 2 months of her tearing herself to pieces and just smelling something awful, in spite of me bathing her each week in special dog shampoo to relieve her pain and get rid of her smell.
So the long shot was, the Vet here prescribed 40 tablets for her. Half a tablet every morning and then 1/2 tablet every 2nd day. She has improved no end (using the last of the original script) and also I find since she isn't as uncomfortable now, she appears to be happier and lets me approach her a bit more and she will also now jump up on my armchair for a cuddle some evenings. Mind you, that is when young Darcy isn't already there.
And I finished making a quilt for Darcy. Got a real bargain as Spotlight had a sale over Easter and fabric was only $3 a metre.
I also asked the Vet to renew a script for Jackie (the Princess Dog) for tablets the Vet in Griffith, NSW had put her on about 2 mths after I got her and she had such a bad skin infection and couldn't stop scratching and tearing her fur out until she bled. Not only did she do this but she ummmm how do I say it...
On my return to Adelaide I googled and came up with a lot of information on her plight and also news about the medication she was on. After putting her on a BARF diet, she still had the problem however when she was on the medication her itchiness stopped. However long term use of the medication could prove a problem to her health.
I spoke of all these concerns to the Vet and he agreed. But he also understood the reasoning I had that in spite of future complications, I had decided that Jackie would have perhaps a shorter life but one that was a lot less painful to her. I had been finishing off the last of the medication from the Griffith Vet after about 2 months of her tearing herself to pieces and just smelling something awful, in spite of me bathing her each week in special dog shampoo to relieve her pain and get rid of her smell.
So the long shot was, the Vet here prescribed 40 tablets for her. Half a tablet every morning and then 1/2 tablet every 2nd day. She has improved no end (using the last of the original script) and also I find since she isn't as uncomfortable now, she appears to be happier and lets me approach her a bit more and she will also now jump up on my armchair for a cuddle some evenings. Mind you, that is when young Darcy isn't already there.
And I finished making a quilt for Darcy. Got a real bargain as Spotlight had a sale over Easter and fabric was only $3 a metre.
Blue to Colour co-ordinate with my Lounge room |
Memories of St Patrick's Day
When I was a kid, I remember Sydney would have a very big Parade on St Patrick's Day. I am not sure if NSW was the first settlement in Australia and it being a penal settlement, but I guess the Irish (and the Catholics) played a large part in the settlement of NSW. Having done a little Google, I see Sydney still has a St Patrick's Day Parade which is rather great to hear.
But my earliest memories of St Patrick's Day was when I was at Boarding School at Katoomba, NSW. Of course being a Catholic school we had a holiday and we would be up bright and early for our day out. The nuns must have been great organizers as we would head off to Katoomba railway station loaded with bags and bags of sandwiches and also large caterer's tins to make cups of tea. There would also be very large bottles of cordial and also more caterer's tins to put the prepared cordial in for distribution.
After boarding the train we would try to settle down and contain our excitement as we were then headed to Blackheath for our St Patrick Day at the Blackheath swimming pool. I remember the rhododendrons at the swimming pool as they offered so much shade and such brilliant foliage.
Apparently the rhododendrons were planted to commemorate those who gave their life during WW1 and there are 77 trees to remember their sacrifice.
We would help the nuns to set up camp, then off we would go to enjoy a full day of fun at the swimming pool.
The nuns would summon a few girls to gather the rest of us up for lunch and we would all head over and collect our sandwiches and a glass of cordial. We always called the lemon cordial "desert drink" as it was very thirst quenching on a hot day. We only ever got this treat when we had excursions and picnics.
We were forbidden to go back into the water until we had an hours rest after our lunch and I just remembered something else. As we got older we would never tell a nun we were menstruating otherwise we couldn't swim that day!!
After a good afternoon tea about 3pm of cups of brewed tea and fruit cake, we would start to pack up and do a quick look around for towels that may have been left behind. I am sure many items would be lost on those outings, including bathers as we all had to change back into our "Saturday" clothes. We only wore Saturday clothes (non uniform) on Saturdays and Church holidays.
A train ride back to Katoomba and we would walk past The Paragon which is still in Katoomba. http://www.pittwateronlinenews.com/the-paragon-at-katoomba-by-george-repin.php
The Paragon displayed the most magnificent iced cakes and hand made chocolates in their window and we would all drool over those delights before being rounded up to return to our school. I did last visit the Paragon as when in my 30's with my elder son who was about 16-17 at the time. Unfortunately now I have heard the food isn't so good but the decor is still superb.
But my earliest memories of St Patrick's Day was when I was at Boarding School at Katoomba, NSW. Of course being a Catholic school we had a holiday and we would be up bright and early for our day out. The nuns must have been great organizers as we would head off to Katoomba railway station loaded with bags and bags of sandwiches and also large caterer's tins to make cups of tea. There would also be very large bottles of cordial and also more caterer's tins to put the prepared cordial in for distribution.
After boarding the train we would try to settle down and contain our excitement as we were then headed to Blackheath for our St Patrick Day at the Blackheath swimming pool. I remember the rhododendrons at the swimming pool as they offered so much shade and such brilliant foliage.
Apparently the rhododendrons were planted to commemorate those who gave their life during WW1 and there are 77 trees to remember their sacrifice.
We would help the nuns to set up camp, then off we would go to enjoy a full day of fun at the swimming pool.
The nuns would summon a few girls to gather the rest of us up for lunch and we would all head over and collect our sandwiches and a glass of cordial. We always called the lemon cordial "desert drink" as it was very thirst quenching on a hot day. We only ever got this treat when we had excursions and picnics.
We were forbidden to go back into the water until we had an hours rest after our lunch and I just remembered something else. As we got older we would never tell a nun we were menstruating otherwise we couldn't swim that day!!
After a good afternoon tea about 3pm of cups of brewed tea and fruit cake, we would start to pack up and do a quick look around for towels that may have been left behind. I am sure many items would be lost on those outings, including bathers as we all had to change back into our "Saturday" clothes. We only wore Saturday clothes (non uniform) on Saturdays and Church holidays.
A train ride back to Katoomba and we would walk past The Paragon which is still in Katoomba. http://www.pittwateronlinenews.com/the-paragon-at-katoomba-by-george-repin.php
The Paragon displayed the most magnificent iced cakes and hand made chocolates in their window and we would all drool over those delights before being rounded up to return to our school. I did last visit the Paragon as when in my 30's with my elder son who was about 16-17 at the time. Unfortunately now I have heard the food isn't so good but the decor is still superb.
L .... short for Hell
I have often experienced Learner Drivers, and sometime with me being the Teacher aka Victim!!
One of the earliest memories was being a passenger with my Mother when she was still learning to drive and she would not use the L plates and drive around Centennial Park, Paddington, NSW. Now this wasn't too hair raising as there was a speed limit within the Park but it was once she got her licence panic set in. I do remember there were sometimes I would keep my eyes closed for a fair part of the drive to my Uncle Harvey's home in Waverly.
My Grandmother (Mum) learned to drive after she bought this cute little Morris with a dickie seat. Mum would have been about 60 plus when she learned to drive and like most people in the Eastern suburbs, she used Centennial Park as her testing and learning ground. I do remember one time after she got her licence and my sister and I accompanied her on her drive to visit her son, Uncle Harvey. We got to one intersection and she dutifully stopped on the red light. Good Mum! The lights then changed and we did a kangaroo hop as it was a hill start. Again the lights turned red and we all relaxed until the next change to green. Again a kangaroo hop and the car stalled. By this time motorists behind her were getting just a little bit annoyed. It was when one motorist got out of his car and offered to drive the car to the corner across the lights that I then suggested I run and get Uncle Harvey and he could drive then. She agreed with that idea and off I set down Birrell Street at full pelt. Puff Puff, but I then got to Waverley College and realized I didn't have far to go to get to Uncle's house. And lo!!!! there drives past me Mum and Joan in the little Morris.... and they didn't stop for me!!!
I eventually arrived at my Uncle and Aunts home exhausted and my first words were "you didn't stop for me" and Mum's reply? "But we did wave to you, darling."
You know, looking back neither Mum or myself (I was about 12 then) even thought how Uncle Harvey would then get his own car home after driving Mum's. I guess Mum would have just left her car parked on Birrell Street and he would drive us back there when it was time to go home.
One of the earliest memories was being a passenger with my Mother when she was still learning to drive and she would not use the L plates and drive around Centennial Park, Paddington, NSW. Now this wasn't too hair raising as there was a speed limit within the Park but it was once she got her licence panic set in. I do remember there were sometimes I would keep my eyes closed for a fair part of the drive to my Uncle Harvey's home in Waverly.
My Grandmother (Mum) learned to drive after she bought this cute little Morris with a dickie seat. Mum would have been about 60 plus when she learned to drive and like most people in the Eastern suburbs, she used Centennial Park as her testing and learning ground. I do remember one time after she got her licence and my sister and I accompanied her on her drive to visit her son, Uncle Harvey. We got to one intersection and she dutifully stopped on the red light. Good Mum! The lights then changed and we did a kangaroo hop as it was a hill start. Again the lights turned red and we all relaxed until the next change to green. Again a kangaroo hop and the car stalled. By this time motorists behind her were getting just a little bit annoyed. It was when one motorist got out of his car and offered to drive the car to the corner across the lights that I then suggested I run and get Uncle Harvey and he could drive then. She agreed with that idea and off I set down Birrell Street at full pelt. Puff Puff, but I then got to Waverley College and realized I didn't have far to go to get to Uncle's house. And lo!!!! there drives past me Mum and Joan in the little Morris.... and they didn't stop for me!!!
I eventually arrived at my Uncle and Aunts home exhausted and my first words were "you didn't stop for me" and Mum's reply? "But we did wave to you, darling."
You know, looking back neither Mum or myself (I was about 12 then) even thought how Uncle Harvey would then get his own car home after driving Mum's. I guess Mum would have just left her car parked on Birrell Street and he would drive us back there when it was time to go home.
Friday, 15 March 2013
We're Going on Holidays...
Jackie (The Princess Dog), Darcy (The Dapper Dog) and myself are all going on a holiday. It is a long drive of over 900km which we do in the whole day, however I usually take 3 or so coffee breaks and that is when I let the kids out of the car and we all to a wee break and also a little play. Add into that one fuel stop and I am sure the babies will travel fine. Jackie has done the trip twice before and Darcy is getting more used to the car now. I am sure both will travel well.
One of the main concerns I have is my QUIT programme. I haven't had a smoke for 10 weeks and this will be the first time undertaking a long drive without cigarettes with me. I know I can do it as I have done so well so far, so why spoil it? Also, I am going to take my "money jar" with me to remind me how much moula I have saved since getting healthy.
Can't wait for the trip now.
One of the main concerns I have is my QUIT programme. I haven't had a smoke for 10 weeks and this will be the first time undertaking a long drive without cigarettes with me. I know I can do it as I have done so well so far, so why spoil it? Also, I am going to take my "money jar" with me to remind me how much moula I have saved since getting healthy.
Can't wait for the trip now.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Boarding School - Woolwich NSW
Sister Joan and I went to Boarding School. Two of them actually. We
went to a Marist Sister's College at Woolwich, NSW for just a few years
and then we attended St Mary's Convent, Katoomba, NSW. There was
another sister, Sandra however she lived with my Father and his family
and there was no contact until I was 22 and a mother of 2 young
children. Back in the early 50's there was no such thing as a "single
parent" pension. If a woman was divorced and had children she had to
work to earn money. Like it or not, that was a fact. Both Mum and my
mother worked and once Mum started working for someone else as a
dressmaker, then it became more difficult during school holidays. My
Great Grandmother also lived with us (Nana) and she probably found it
difficult during school holidays to supervise John (Mum's son), Joan and
myself. My mother worked for the Metropole Hotel as a food waitress
and the Metropole was one of the "swankiest" hotels in Sydney when I was
a kid.
Back then only the very wealthy would dine out and many of the hotel guests would be from overseas or country people visiting Sydney. I can remember one time Mother meeting Joan and myself at the Quay and taking us back to her work. We were huddled into this small room (probably staff quarters) and we stayed there until she finished work. Occasionally another waitress might call up to see we were OK. Gosh, we kids were good when I think about it. I guess she probably finished work about 11pm from the dinner trade and then we got a taxi home to Paddington. Who knows.... maybe she and Mum had had an argument and Mum told her to make her own arrangements to pick us up from the quay. But looking back on it, it was strange not to have gone straight home from the ferry ride back from school.
get to Woolwich I remember we would get the Ferry from Circular Quay
and the ferry would go under the Harbour Bridge. Oh my, the terror I
used to feel as we approached the Bridge and going under it that the
mighty structure would fall on our ferry!! We would get off the ferry
at the Woolwich wharf and we usually travelled on the ferry
unsupervised by the nuns (as I recall) as the ferry would be full with
Boarding students returning from school holidays. One part of the
school I recall was an area we used to call "Greenland" which was part
of the college waterfront but so overgrown with greenery and bush it was
forbidden to go there. However of course we did. I also recall one
dessert we used to call Lane Cove Purified Mud which was ever so
delicious and looking back it was chocolate mousse. We used to have
mosquito nets over the beds as it being right on Lane Cove river there
were mosquitoes in abundance.
I made my first Holy Communion in 1954 at 6 yrs of age in the St Peters Chanel church and I remember being woken very early and I was happy not only to make my Communion, but it meant my Mother would be visiting us that day also. Mum and my mother made my Communion gown and it was long, as were most of the girls and it had a very big bow on the back and also puff sleeves. Back then, you had to fast prior to receiving Communion and we were woken at midnight to have a cup of hot cocoa and a slice of bread and butter. Then back to bed until early waking time.
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Not much different in 1956 |
Back then only the very wealthy would dine out and many of the hotel guests would be from overseas or country people visiting Sydney. I can remember one time Mother meeting Joan and myself at the Quay and taking us back to her work. We were huddled into this small room (probably staff quarters) and we stayed there until she finished work. Occasionally another waitress might call up to see we were OK. Gosh, we kids were good when I think about it. I guess she probably finished work about 11pm from the dinner trade and then we got a taxi home to Paddington. Who knows.... maybe she and Mum had had an argument and Mum told her to make her own arrangements to pick us up from the quay. But looking back on it, it was strange not to have gone straight home from the ferry ride back from school.
I made my first Holy Communion in 1954 at 6 yrs of age in the St Peters Chanel church and I remember being woken very early and I was happy not only to make my Communion, but it meant my Mother would be visiting us that day also. Mum and my mother made my Communion gown and it was long, as were most of the girls and it had a very big bow on the back and also puff sleeves. Back then, you had to fast prior to receiving Communion and we were woken at midnight to have a cup of hot cocoa and a slice of bread and butter. Then back to bed until early waking time.
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