Monday, 8 April 2013

Feeling More Up Today

Today I put on my Big Girl Panties and decided to get on with the rest of my life!!    I have to do this every so often as I am prone to suffer depression and the blues from time to time.  

So today I mowed the back lawns which are now lovely and green after a small amount of rain over the Easter long weekend and I also raked a bit out the front as I have a lovely Illawarra Flame tree and this time of year it tends to drop leaves.  I mowed the dead nature strip out the front but this was more to pick up the leaves than it needing to be mowed.

Showing the back Verandah

I have to put the seats like this to stop Darcy climbing on the table

My little rain gauge - hardly used in Adelaide,. sadly

Even after mowing the lawns, once I went inside I felt the house wasn't so untidy and cluttered.  I had done the dishes but the vacuum cleaner was still sitting in the kitchen eating area.  I guess just having known I had worked outside, I felt better already mentally. I then vacuumed the rest of the house, even the family room and carpet square as we tend to collect lots of doggie hair from Jackie and Darcy.  Next I washed the tiles in the family room and also the kitchen and eating area and put everything away immediately when done!  

Decided to give Jackie a bath as she tends to get grubbier looking than Darcy, however at least now she is on that medication she doesn't pull all her hair out and stink smell like she used to do with the skin allergy.

Jackie is just so funny when it is bath-time.  She hears me running the water in the laundry trough and immediately heads down to the family room.  I will call and call her and she just stands there looking at me.  The second I take a step towards her she heads out the back door and hides.  So my method now is to run the bath and then go and sit at the computer desk in the family room.  She eventually comes to her bed (by the desk) and I grab her and off to the bath we go!

After my shower I had a late lunch and did one load of washing as the Autumn weather is just glorious and there will be no problems getting it dried on the line.  

So all in all this Lady in her Big Girl Panties feels pretty bloody good.  And it is Matthew's birthday tomorrow and he and Aida are coming here for dinner.

Also have to add here.   Doubt if anyone reading but I need to write and talk.  It all means something to me and believe you me.... If I am happy...then the whole World is happy!!!  

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