Sunday, 5 May 2013

The Amazing NEW Jackie (The Princess Dog)

I just can't get over the improvement with Jackie (The Princess Dog) now taking the medication for her skin rash.  She is quite, by far, a different dog altogether.

Jackie is still a bit shy however she will now jump up on the armchair each evening when I sit down to watch television and I can move her around so I am a bit more comfortable and she doesn't jump off the second I move my bum to get a bit more comfy.  Darcy (The Dapper Dog) is of course first up and he is a type of "floppy" dog and any position he grabs and he is happy.  It is amazing to see some of the positions Darcy drops his head and goes to sleep - they look most uncomfortable, but he is happy.

Now the medication Jackie is taking is Prednisolone  (5mg) and she has 1/2 a tablet every second day.  The Vet had said the medication to be given only in the morning and also with food.  I usually wedge the 1/2 tablet between 2 pieces of cheese and there is no problem in her taking it then.  Of course Darcy stands in line for his piece of cheese but I always give Jackie her piece first as then she gulps it down in case Darcy steals it.

There are side effects of long term medication and I urge others to read up and also discuss with your Vet.  However my Vet agreed with me that I would prefer Jackie to have a normal, if shorter life as the pain she was in with the raw and bleeding skin was just awful to witness.

We still never established if it was a protein allergy or from grass, and even with the BARF diet she still would scratch herself raw and stank smell something awful.  I wont keep her on the Prednisolone forever, but shall take a break between the scripts to see how she goes.  She is still active and playful (with Darcy, that is) but she has a different type of personality to most dogs and this could be because of her younger life and perhaps she had been mistreated.  She at least goes to my son when he visits and appears to be more relaxed around other humans now.

Both like the "granny rug" on the chair, now the cold weather has set in


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