Sunday, 28 April 2013

Prayer to God

Before I go to bed I felt it necessary to write my thoughts.  My friend Kay is going into hospital tomorrow to have a hip replacement.  Kay is 9 months younger than me but has suffered with arthritis for most of her adult life since her late 20's.  She still works in a retirement home and is as active a person as one who is quite crippled in the ankles, hands and her fingers can be.

I am just so concerned for her.  Not so much the actual operation but her recovery after the op and if she will have the strength for a speedy recovery and really, just everything.

Kay and I went to high school together and we have been "mates" since we were 13 years of age.  Kay probably knows me better than any other person and she has proven to be a great friend and non judgmental and very supportive.  We have shared a lot of our pain together and she has an inner strength that one might pray for but seldom achieve.  She had lost a baby when he was about 7 weeks of age, having never come home from the maternity hospital.  Her beloved husband died of a heart attack sailing his yacht to the UK with 3 of his mates.  Patrick was only 47 years of age.  Her elder son committed suicide aged 31.  Shaun was my Godson and such a special young man to us all.

Kay has stood by me through several failed marriages and family problems.  She has made me laugh and cry.  But mostly Kay makes me laugh and we enjoy so many silly moments and whenever we see each other we hug and kiss and have no hesitation to say "love you" when departing.  

Please God, take care of Kaysie as she is so very much needed and loved by so many. 

Thank you God.

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