Friday, 8 March 2013

If I Had Known.....

"If I had known I was going to live so long, I would have taken better care of myself"  as was said in the musical Chicago.  Oh, how true true!!

This week saw me wake with pains in the hip and my back and I only assume I must have slept in a "draft" as it has been very hot and I left the overhead fan on overnight several nights.  We never seem to appreciate our good health until something goes awry and then we sort of put the "pain category" into different levels.  Like toothache to me is still the 10/10 of pain level.  Well my back was about a 9/10 and the following day I loaded up on pain killers and have had a pretty darn good week since!!
Early Wednesday morning (and early being 4.30am) young Aida phoned me and asked if I could drive Matt to the Hospital as he was in a lot of pain with his neck/shoulder.  I hobbled out of bed and drove to their home and we went to the Hospital.  I dropped him off in Emergency and then drove to the carpark.  They now have automated car park and you have to pay to park there.  I hobbled from the car to the entrance and learned  I had to press the buzzer to be let in.  That being done and deciding to leave the kids at the hospital I proceeded to the entrance door (but now would be the exit door).
NO OPEN!!!  I then limped back to Emergency and enquired if doors could be opened for me to leave.  Nope, the rule is you have to go out through Emergency and walk half a block to get to the car park!!!  Oh I do love the logic of sending someone out in the dark to walk around... and probably that person is ill.

Anyway, Matt and Aida asked me to wait and not long after he was discharged.  He is a Brickie and had strained his shoulder at work and he said driving home the Tuesday had been hell with the pain.  I called into my house to pick up some pain killers and then took them home where we all had coffee and dosed up on pain killers!!  Aida was the only one who doesn't drink coffee nor needing pain killers.

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